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Unlock writing potential! ADHD writers, rethink routines. Overcome challenges, tap into strengths. Discover new methods for success.
Build a writing habit, you’ve heard that before. Nanowrimo is based around that.
1500 words a days gives you a book in only 30 days, at least that’s what they say. But between, life and writer’s block, sometimes, that just doesn’t work.
And what if you’re a person like me, who struggles with consistency? Can you ever build a writing habit?
Not in my experience. But you can build something even better.
Hi novelteers, I’m Devlin Blake, Novel Writing & self publishing Expert, Coach, published author, and former ghostwriter of over 200 books. If you’re writing a book, be sure to check out my Novel Writer’s Club, featuring self directed courses, weekly crits, ask me anything, group coaching and more.
So what’s better than building a writing habit? Well, if you’re having a problem with consistency, you’re probably also neurodivergent. Which means you also have the flip side to that; hyperfocus.
Let’s take advantage of that.
Instead of building a writing habit, let’s build a writing obsession. Once that’s done, you’ll never have to figure out how to find the time to write again. You’ll be able to write in the snatches of time, and words will pour out of you.
So let’s look at how to do this.
Well, it’s actually very simple, but not easy.
To do it, think about your book. And I just don’t mean think about it in the off hours, think about it and the characters and the world whenever you can. When you’re doing dishes, or folding laundry, think about your book.
When you’re watching Tv, think about how your characters would react in this world. Think about if that situation in the movie or Tv show can inspire a scene in your book.
When you’re in the shower, or falling asleep, walking your dog, or on a commute where you’re not the one driving. Think about your book.
Think about your book whenever you can, and anytime it won’t interfere with your current activity.
Soon, those ideas will start flowing and you’ll race to put them all down on paper. You’ll have so many ideas you’ll be bursting with them.
Did you know Jekyll and Hyde was written after Stevenson was thinking about writing such a book but didn’t know quite how to pull it off? He went to bed with that on his mind, then woke up with that book in his head.
It happens to me too sometimes. I’ll wake up, sometimes in the middle of the night, with a new book idea, or the answer to a problem scene that makes perfect sense but came from out of nowhere.
These bolts of inspiration will come at the most random times and more often as you practice this. Write them down whenever you can; in a notebook, a post it note on your phone, or wherever else you can.
Soon, you’ll be able to have inspiration come when you call for it. Then, you can get some REAL Writing done.
So if consistency has never worked in the past, give this a try. It will likely work for you too.
I have other unusual productivity tips inside my Novel Writer’s Club. You can find it at the link below.
Also remember to like and subscribe to see more videos on writing and publishing your novel.
Until Next time, this is Devlin Blake, saying Write on.
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Categories: : ADHD/ Autistic writing advice
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